Write for Us | Submit a Guest Post

Do you have expertise on a topic that you’d love to share with our audience?

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Write for Us

Thanks for visiting tantumtech.net! We are providing an opportunity to submit a guest post to our website. Tantum Tech accepts guest posts on many topics such as Tech reviews, Tech News, Gaming, Digital Marketing, Mobile Phones, SEO, Finance, Business, Social media, Cloud Computing, Gadgets, Hardware and Software, Apps Reviews, Traveling, Blogging, Startup and Entrepreneurship and various categories topics to publish a guest post. Do you have expertise on a subject that you’d like to share with our audience? You can “submit a guest post” to our site, here is a detailed guide for you. technology write for us. digital marketing writes for us.


Guidelines to Submit a Guest Post

Policy for Guest Blog Post Submission

AliDropship is the best solution for drop shipping
  • The Guest post title should be Attractive and less than 60 characters.
  • Content should be at least 800+ words with headings.
  • Make sure the content is free from grammatical mistakes.
  • Provide the unique featured image with HD Quality with a resolution of 720px(width) and 535px(height).
  • Make sure images are licensed, original, or public domain.
  • One link per 600 words is ideal, max 2-3 links in total.
  • We only consider original, relevant, unique, and well-written content. We check Copyscape and Google before we publish!
  • Please note we’ll not accept links to drug-related, gambling, or adult websites.

Topics You Can Write About

  • Software and Hardware
  • Blockchain, Cryptocurrency
  • Headphones and Speakers
  • Machine learning (ML)
  • Digital Marketing
  • Mobiles & Tablets
  • VR(Virtual Reality)
  • AR(Augmented Reality)
  • Networking
  • How to
  • SEO
  • HDTVs & Monitors
  •  Tech Guides, Tips & Tricks
  • Health & Fitness & Wearable Tech
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Mobile Apps
  • Web Technologies
  • Digital Camera
  • Graphics Cards
  • Smart Home Automation
  • Gaming
  • Web Development
  • Printers & Projectors
  • Computer Accessories
AliDropship is the best solution for drop shipping

For More Details Feel Free to Contact US at: contact@tantumtech.net

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